Tradition anew!
Biennale of Western Balkans, Ioannina, Greece

Biannual festival and year-round project that draws connections between intangible cultural heritage, art and technology.

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  /  Markos Karellas & Christos Kotsinis
Illustration by Christos Kotsinis and Markos Karellas

Markos Karellas & Christos Kotsinis

We are Markos Karellas & Christos Kotsinis. Both creatives. We co-worked for BoWB twice, with a strong desire to succeed and to impress.
Christos Kotsinis
I am a multidisciplinary designer and I specialise in cultural and brand identity and development, print design and production as well as product photography. I love coming up with conceptual ideas, figuring out how to make them work, and making them look great. I think a little differently, and while this is definitely displayed through my sense of humour, I would prefer to think it primarily helps me look a challenge from a different perspective. I am always excited by a challenge.
Markos Karellas
I’m a graphic designer and illustrator, with an artistic background as a result of my Fine Arts studies. In my work, I always seek an artistic approach and collaborating workflow either for branding or illustration projects. My ways of visualisation differ and come up through everyday life, readings and quick sketches. Animals and nature, inspire me in general, so if a project comes by, I combine them together through my work.
